F-S (F-Secure)

adoi nape la tak abeskan je tules sebelom neh
just another few events je kot to finish the stori
takpe2 abeskan gak a

sadly out of 4, only 2 teams from UTP, kor and d0t managed to the next round

through to the 2nd round, a gameshow-like quiz between 4 teams, answering a question after the push of the buzzer..haha
our team are quite behind on the early questions but we managed to catch up with other team's point. but i think luck was not on our side (or maybe the fact that we did not study on SECURING 100%)
we lost on tie braker with black-x who later became the champion of the quiz (takde malu sangat la kot..kalah ngan champion..haha)

1 team down, 1 more to go for UTP, k0r
(insert k0r quarter final quiz story here)
unlike d0t, k0r managed to grap the vital point on the tie braker

when hope shines the most on UTP's side, k0r have to face black-x on their semi finals
before entering the semi final's story
i'd like to share with you what actually happened in F-Secure's building during all the free time that we had

the winning team, studying while our team.....

pool +_+

another reason for not studying +_+

yes, their pantry has a pool table, and the fridge above, items inside are not for sale but to be taken anytime..haha

they say that a picture is worth a thousand words..
so i'll just let the pictures above tell the story of what happen to k0r's semi final round ;p

..pantry derang bukan ade tu je, gym ngan wii pon ade..plasma siap astro haha


  1. eee bestnye pantry camtu.... ari2 aku minom air JUICE ajaaaa....

  2. waaah! gile best.
    leh topap air buah mantop.
    si yap dok cite kata bdk2 tu nerd.
    lps tengok gambo baru aku caya.

    patut la judge favor diorang...
    dah korg bantai air dia. hoho.

  3. haha, btol kata2 kuat. korang dok tibai air buah derang, mmg r judge x favor. lolz. (ke aku patut kate 'kite'?)

    part pool tu aku ngaku salah r sbb aku yg hasut korang. hahaha.

  4. The winning with the books and the losers with the pool game n juice. Nice one

  5. "The winning with the books and the losers with the pool game n juice. Nice one"

    i loike this quote :D


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