fedora 12 reinstall grub

recently i have to install windows...tried to shrink my LVM partition...and failed. bubbye disk partition table (gone during the process) >.<

so...i started all over with windows and my beloved Fedora. trying to be wise, i installed winbloat first and without checking the OS thoroughly i just continued with my Fedora installation.

when i want to complete my winbloat installation (DRIVERS, essential softwares) i found out that the winbloat edition i downloaded was too bloated. full off crap. so i downloaded another winbloat and installed it straight away. well as the nature of law applies here (which is, winbloat will always suck) the new installed winbloat overwrites my Fedora's /boot partition. thus i cannot boot into Fedora directly. Thank you very much Bill Gates for the sneaky strategy to win the OS war >:(

after googling around i found the perfect way to restore my Fedora 12 using only the livecd!

sad but true, the process itself is really3 easy. all i have to do is open up a terminal inside the livecd.

- type in "grub" and type "find /grub/grub.conf" (of course without the "") which searches the location of grub.conf together with the hard disk location (for several hard disk user)

- type in "root (hd0,2)". well this is for my case since my grub.conf is located inside (hd0,2)

- type "setup (hd0)". again, depending on ur grub.conf location. but the setup process does not require to key in the partition number. just the whole disk itself as it will locate all required files inside the disk and reuse it.

....and yes, you are done. it IS that simple actually T___T

kudos to google and fedoraforum :)


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