how to remote your fedora box on streamyx line from anywhere.

just a quick update before i go back from work (eceywah)

1st off all, u need ssh installed and running on the fedora desktop..make sure to allow incoming port 22 on system > administration > firewall.

next, access streamyx router via web interface and log in as admin. (i'm not giving the log in details, go fish) and figure out how to forward incoming port connections to your fedora desktop port 22 or any port that you are running ur sshd. set the router to listen to any port to be forwared to ur sshd port on ur fedora box.

go to to find out what is ur public ip is...and now u can access ur comp from anywhere!

for example i have set up my box running sshd port 22. my router is listening to any incoming port 5555 connections to be forwarded to port 22 of my fedora box. from my office, i just type "ssh (user)@(ip) -p 5555" and i get a connection to my fedora box at home. from there, use ur imagination to do other stuffs. for example i just enable vnc on my fedora box and port forward using ssh to localhost port 5900 which is the standard port for vnc servers. n just like that i can view my home desktop from my office :D


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