download youtube video all browsers except IE ;p

i've been searching and searching for a youtube downloader that can download

and found this site which was quite cool. the site provided a java script that gets all the needed inputs to download the video and provides a download link after redirecting the page to their downloader site (the site which generates the download link for the video)

in my case, i open the youtube video page that i want to download, and i pasted this script in the address bar

javascript:isIE=/*@cc_on!@*/false;isIE ? swfHTML=document.getElementById('movie_player').getElementsByTagName('param')[1].value:swfHTML=document.getElementById('movie_player').getAttribute('flashvars');w=swfHTML.split('&'); for(i=0;i<=w.length-1;i++) if(w[i].split('=')[0] == 'fmt_url_map') { links=unescape(w[i].split('=')[1]); break;} abc = links.split(',');window.location.href = '' + abc;

after pasting the code, the page redirects to their site which provide the download link for the video.

still dont have the time to play around with their codes :(


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